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Monthly Archives: September 2014

Day 258

A close up of one of the animation frames posted below. ~Curtis in Alaska! {!-{>

Day 257

This was one of the more impressive ice falls…it is about 250 feet high… ~Curtis in Alaska! {!-{>

Day 256

A 20 or so photo panorama of 2/3 of the front of Hubbard Glacier. (Click to enlarge; BACK to return!) ~Curtis in Alaska! {!-{>

Day 255

A double!   Click to enlarge; BACK to return! ~Curtis in Alaska! {!-{>

Day 254

~Curtis in Alaska! {!-{>

An interesting infographic I found.

This is from the highs to the lowest  places on Earth, and what lives there…a rather “long” post! From ourAmazingPlanet. The highest living thing: Ruppell’s Vultureüppell%27s_vulture The lowest: The Fangtooth (an apt name…) *** ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 253

An ice fall, or calving, in motion. Sorry about the jerk after the first frame… ~Curtis in alaska! {!-{>

Day 252

One of the ice fall frames from the animation in the next post…that chunk is probably 175 high… ~Curtis in Alaska! {!-{>

Day 251: Big Calving!

Calving at the Russell Fjord end of the Glacier! That chunk of ice behind the splash is about 200 feet high… * ** *** ** * That is a bigger splash that the whales made! ~Curtis in Alaska! {!-{>

Day 250: At the Glacier’s face

The face of Hubbard Glacier, the largest tidewater (runs directly into the ocean) glacier on the North American continent.  It is 300-400 feet high and six miles across the face. A bit of calving. Russell Fjord, where the action is… ~Curtis in Alaska! {!-{>