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Day 89: the skies over grrff’lls

I went out to see the Moon rise tonight.  There was a layer of clouds in the East that would have kept me up way too late waiting for it, although there was just a sliver that came up through a gap in the cloud cover…but the expedition was not a total waste!  These were taken from the Willow Coulee Road.

The Big Dipper.

(30 sec, f4, 17mm, ISO 800)

Looking South East.

(30 sec, f4, 17mm, ISO 800)

Looking North East.

(30 sec, f4, 17mm, ISO 800)

Orion over Great Falls.

(20 sec, f4, 17mm, ISO 800)

Post processing consisted of, besides straightening and shrinking, bumping up the Highlights for that seperation of cloud and sky.

~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>